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Artist Talk 5.3.18

Artist Talk 4.24.17

"Inside My Lamp"

Inside My Lamp - BFA Exiting Show

I created this space for my alter ego to inhabit. In this space she creates her “nest” while she further explores her struggle with society’s prescribed beauty standards & how to symbolically remind her viewers of their easily forgotten childhood innocence. I pull imagery & iconography from my personal experiences in order to allow my alter ego to more intuitively explore these topics. “Inside My Lamp” she is able to reflect on where she has been & where she plans on going.

"Inside My Lamp"

Sus Zapatos - Inside My Lamp

I use high heels to represent the constant burden placed on my fashion choices growing up in Miami’s fashion culture. I see high heels as blank canvases. Sometimes the inspiration comes from the high heels themselves. Other times the idea comes first & I find a pair of high heels I feel best matches my vision. These heels are reflections of where I have been, & where I want to go.  


Through this process of cutting imagery out of beauty magazines, I try to further understand my struggle with society’s definition of “beauty.” The three heads each represent something different. The one in the middle consists of many different women’s features like eyeballs, noses and lips. Combining all these features and overlapping them we begin to ask ourselves is this beautiful or is this creepy. The other two heads are about the products we use/need to feel “beautiful” and words we use to market these products/describe ourselves.

Self Portrait

These shoes describe the two sides of me. Through my material choices I able to explain each side. This allows the viewer to compare and contrast these shoes to my actual personality. 

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